Positive Things We Can Teach Our Kids to Do on Social Media


The technology around us has so much potential, and we can teach our kids to be better, learn more, reach out to loved ones, and be more involved in our communities with it. But first they must understand that our ripples affect those around us for better or for worse. We can ignore situations or actively participate.

We can choose to uplift or tear down. We can choose to post useless or useful information. We can choose kindness in the face of an argument or we can choose to escalate.

The following discussions will help your kids understand that their online and “real life” actions always matter:

Potentials of Technology

What are some things you can do with a smartphone, tablet, or computer?

What can you learn, teach others, and create?

What are more ways we can help and uplift others to create positive ripples with technology?

How can small actions online change friendships and family relationships?

How could you change the world using technology?

For more information, check out, .

Need help with these discussions? For a great story, including discussions and activities, for kids ages 6-11, check out . For older kids, try our free, downloadable lesson onavailable on our .

Great story, great discussions!


social media and teens: the ultimate guide from Educate and Empower Kids

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