Building Connections Through Communication
In our device-saturated culture we encourage connection, education, open communication and positive, deliberate parenting.
Our Mission
Educate and Empower Kids (EEK) provides resources to parents and educators as they guide their children in the digital age.
We believe this must be intentionally done by teaching about digital citizenship, media literacy, and healthy sexuality—including education about the dangers of online pornography.
We Offer
- 30 Days of Sex Talks Program
- 30 Days to a Stronger Child Program
- How to Talk to Your Kids About Pornography
- Conversations with My Kids guide
- Online resources and community workshops across the country.
For Children, we've published books to help parents and kids talk about healthy body image:
And, to help address positive digital citizenship and media literacy, we’ve published:
Educate and Empower Kids is an organization made up of parents, professionals and others devoted to the cause of empowering parents to create meaningful, long-lasting connection with their kids.
Let's Connect
We’d like to hear your comments and answer any questions you might have.
Are you a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?
Check out a new site created by our founder, Dina Alexander, MS.