Talking to Teens Podcast: Expert Parenting Advice for Parenting Teens
Listen to the Podcast: Sex, Puberty, and Parenting
Finding Hope in the Darkness: Understanding Your Child’s Mental Health Challenges
By Kaitlin Harker While every story is different, many stories share similarities. Some stories are easy to share, while others, like mine, take a long time to share with anyone besides close friends and family. However, with suicide rates rising and mental...
Raising Resilient Children in a Technology-Driven World
By Sarah Norwood Do you truly understand “resiliency”? Maybe you know someone who is resilient. Maybe you’ve been complimented for your resilience. To be resilient means that someone has the ability to get back up after failure or disappointment. When hard things...
Inteligencia Emocional: una Habilidad Fundamental en el Mundo Saturado de Tecnología de Nuestros Hijo
Por Kaitlin Harker Traducido por Yesenia Serrano Uno de mis hermanos siempre ha luchado por controlar sus emociones, especialmente cuando se enfada. En quinto grado, se peleó a puñetazos en la escuela primaria, inmediatamente fue enviado a la oficina del director y...