This is the Spirit of Revelation


This is the Spirit of Revelation will help you understand the power of personal revelation and the potential you have to talk with and learn from Heavenly Father.

Included is a handy dandy glossary and workbook with four short sections: Preparing, Asking, Listening & Getting Answers, and Acting Upon Personal Revelation, that will help you and your family explore how God talks to us and how we can tune in to His will for us.

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Charmingly illustrated and supported by scripture and the words of General Authorities, This is the Spirit of Revelation will help you understand the power of personal revelation and the potential you have to talk with and learn from Heavenly Father.

Included is a handy dandy glossary and workbook with four short sections: Preparing, Asking, Listening & Getting Answers, and Acting Upon Personal Revelation, that will help you and your family explore how God talks to us and how we can tune in to His will for us. In these tough times, Heavenly Father may expect more from you than those of past generations. It is essential that you know how to receive and understand personal revelation.

With simplicity, Dina Alexander beautifully explains gospel truths that will help you develop this important skill. How can I receive revelation? Can I prepare myself to hear and feel promptings and inspiration? How do I know when God is speaking to me?What should I do when I’ve received revelation?

Helpful Features for home-centered learning include:

•Thoughtful conversation starters

•Engaging workbook questions

•Simple activities to enjoy

A wonderful companion to This is the Spirit of Revelation is our book, Chloe has a Question, a Very Important Question, which teaches kids that gospel questions aren’t just good, they are great!!  Check out our website for more parenting tips, tools, resources, and free, downloadable information:

In 2018, President Russell M. Nelson said, “In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost…. If we are to have any hope of sifting through the myriad of voices and the philosophies of men that attack truth, we must learn to receive revelation.”


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